Monday, February 24, 2014

Traffic Feed

Traffic feeds show you who visited your blog, when they visited and where they visited your blog from. There are many different kinds of traffic feeds that you can choose to have on your blog. Flag Counter is a gadget that shows flags of the places that visited your blog and how many page views that you get from that place. Feejit is a live traffic feed that is always updating when someone views your blog. If you go into design and click on stats it will show you how many page views you have for that day and the days before that.


Avatars are a fun edited person, animals, or creature that you customize to look like you or show what you like or who you are. There are many websites that you can create avatars on and download them to different profiles. Some websites to make avatars may ask you to make an account before you can make your avatar, others will let you make one but might not have all the options for it like they do when you make an account. Some avatar websites are just photo editing sites that you can make your self look funky and different colors, even add stickers.

Google Voice

Google Voice is a web tool that you can make calls for free. This tool can be used in situations when you do not have signal, but you do have internet so you can call family and friends or they can call you. Making international calls does cost but it is a very cheap, all you have to do is buy credits. When making an account on google voice you can set it to where when someone calls your google voice number all your phones that you choose to connect to the same number rings at the same time. you can also have it set to where it only rings to you computer or cell phone.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Poll Question

Poll Question!!
Google Hangouts are an easy way to connect with family and friends where ever you are! First you must download the Google hangouts plugin before you can get started.  You can have up to seven people at a time video chatting on Google hangouts. It's a great way to catch up with family and friends that live far away from you. On Google Hangouts you cant put on different digital face masks, backgrounds, and lots of other fun stuff. You don't have to type everything you want to say in an IM you cant just talk through the video. Having two people in the same room video chatting the same people causes a lot of background noise and echoing, I would got into two different rooms to video chat!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Google Products are a fast and easy way to help you. Three products that i liked the most would be Google Books, Google Bookmarks, and Google Maps. 
Google Books is a tool that you can buy books to read. there are many different options to choose from in google books. 
Google Bookmarks is a fast and easy way to book mark your favorite sites! You can bookmark many sites that you visit often or just like to have saved.
Google Maps is a google tool that you can get directions and print them off. You can also  go to street view and look around towns and cities if you want.